The Big Dangers Of MLM Hair Products
We’ve all gotten DM’s from someone we went to high school with promoting the MLM hair products that they’re selling. Sometimes we may even trust the person that’s trying to sell them to us. But the question is, are they actually good products or are they a scam?
In this post we’re going to dive into what MLM’s are and if any of them are worth it or not.

What is an MLM?
MLM is short for multi-level marketing. This is a strategy used to make the big guys in the company richer with each person that they bring on. Another term for this is a “pyramid scheme”.
The reason MLM’s are referred to as a pyramid scheme is because each sales person that is brought on makes the person that brought them on richer. The person at the top doesn’t have to do any work and they’re getting paid for each person underneath them that recruits on more sales people.
Let’s say I start an MLM and bring you on as a sales person. For each sale that you make, you get a percent from that sale, and I also get a cut from your sale for recruiting you. Then you bring on a new sales person. Each sale that the new sales person makes gives both you and I a cut from their sale.
This is how so many people get wrapped up into selling MLM hair products. You’re encouraged to not only purchase the products, but to recruit your friends and family to sell them as well so that you’re getting a piece of their pie.
MLM’s actually push you to recruit sales people than they push you to actually sell the product. The more soldiers they have doing the work for them, the more they get paid for doing nothing.
Are MLM hair products FDA approved?
Now that we know what a MLM is, are any of the hair products actually any good?
MLM hair products are not FDA approved. The FDA (food and drug administration) doesn’t actually approve cosmetic products, but rather the ingredients in the products. So if anyone is claiming that their MLM hair products are FDA approved, they’re lying.
This means that the hair products themselves were never reviewed by the FDA to make sure that the benefits of the product outweigh any known side effects or risks.
So to determine if a product is of good quality, you would need to look up the ingredients individually to determine if the chemicals used are FDA approved or not.
Side effects
If you google MLM hair product side effects, there is one brand in particular that has blown up the internet. Monat is one of the biggest MLM hair product brands out there today. There certainly are others, but this is likely the one you’ve had someone try to sell to you.
Monat has been involved in numerous lawsuits where the customers are complaining of hair loss, as well as blisters and sores on the scalp.
Obviously not everyone has experienced these terrible side effects, but many have claimed that they did. They are also not the only hair care line that has faced these sort of lawsuits. But Monat in general has had more attention on these lawsuits than any other hair care line I’ve ever heard of before. To me, this isn’t a good sign.
Are MLM hair products a scam?
As a hairstylist if you want my honest opinion, I’m going to say yes. The whole business model in general is sketchy to me. In my opinion they don’t have the consumers best interest in mind, and instead are focused on how to make the most money. They make their customers work for them.
Most people that join an MLM make little to no money at all. Their commissions are so tiny that they would have to either sell a TON of products regularly or recruit many people to sell as well. And that’s not even mentioning the huge investment that the sales person needs to pay in order to join and sell the products.
I have heard of many instances (including in my own family) that have left people deeply in debt as well as IRS trouble. These businesses lure you in as a get rich quick scheme that will wipe you dry. And the products may leave you bald with sores on your scalp. Sounds great, right??
So if you ask me, I am very much against MLM hair products.
What hair products to buy instead?
Rather than joining an MLM or purchasing their hair products, it’s much safer to purchase professional products recommended from your hairstylist.
Your hairstylist knows your hair and will know what will work best for you. They aren’t nearly as likely to carry illegitimate products with terrible side affects.
If you’d like to read more on some of my favorite professional hair product lines, see this post here.

Most of us have been a target of someone trying to sell MLM hair products before.
MLM’s stands for multi-level marketing. This is also known as a pyramid scheme. This business model allows the guys at the top to collect commissions from every sales person underneath them. They encourage you to not only sell the products, but bring on more people to sell the products as well.
Since cosmetic products are not FDA approved, you’ll need to check each ingredient individually for its quality.
Some MLM hair products have been known to cause not only hair loss, but blisters and sores on the scalp.
Most people believe that MLM companies are a scam. This is because most sales people hardly make any commission from them. And since you have to buy yourself in, it can leave you in debt and even in trouble with the IRS. It’s clear that the main goal is not the quality of the product, and instead the consumers marketing for them.
Instead, ask your hairstylist for their favorite product recommendations. Your stylist knows your hair and will know what brands will work best for you.
If you have any further questions for me on this topic, leave them for me in the comments. And as always, Have A Good Hair Day!