Personalized Hair Care Plan – Form

Personalized Hair Care Plan Form

Congratulations! You’ve just taken the very first step towards making every single day a good hair day!

Fill out this form to give me all the information I need to craft your Personalized Hair Care Plan. The more detailed you are, the better the recommendations I can give you.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Upload a clear photo of your face in natural, indirect lighting so I can give you the best recommendations!
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Upload a clear photo of your current hair in natural, indirect lighting so I can give you the best recommendations!
If you aren’t sure what skin tone you have, see this post here
If you don’t know your hair texture, see this post here
If you don’t know your hair density, see this post here
If you don’t know your natural wave pattern, see this post here
If you don’t know the condition of your hair, see this post here
If you hate warm shades, hair above your shoulders, having to style your hair, etc. let me know here
EX: Struggle to get volume, oily and dandruff prone scalp, dry and frizzy hair etc.
EX: Finding a cut that takes little time to style, choosing a low maintenance hair color option, finding the best hair color for your skin tone. etc.